Fee & Other Charges

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Fee & Other Charges

  • 1.This School tution fee is payable for the twelve months(monthly/bi-monthly or quarterly as the case might be) and should be paid by 7th of every month,failing which a fine amount will be levied for late payment or non-payment.

  • 2. In case if fee is overdue a student is likely to be barred from the examination and shall be liable to have their names stuck off the rolls if due is not paid on time .Re-admission will be done on the payment of arrears and fresh re-admission fee shall be charged.All dues must must be paid before each term exam however early in the month it might be

  • 3. All dues must be paid before the commencement of vacations else a fine shall be applicable.

  • 4. Fee for computer Education shall be charged separately.

  • 5. No reduction will be made for holidays or broken periods.

  • 6. Students are liable to be charged full fee as long as their names are officially on the rolls or written application submitted to the principal duly signed by the parents.

  • 7. Payment by cheque shall not be acceptable..

  • 8. School Transport Facility,If made use of shall be separately charged.

Why Choose Our Institution?

Providing a brand new educational culture to all the schools across the world is the inspirational factor behind the development of this solution.

Transport Facility

The school offers temperature controlled transport facilities for its students. The speed limits of the buses are fixed for the purpose of safety.

Information Teachnology

n This age when computer Knowledge is a compulsory requirement,the school strives to provide the best computer education with the help of well equipped labs and all other facilities.

Book Library & Store

It serves as store house of information related, to prescribed text books and beyond. Its purpose is to inculcate reading habit amongst students.